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2021 VBS(여름성경학교)

이번 VBS(여름성경학교)는 자녀들의 안전을 고려하여 개학일에 가까운 8월에 열리게 되며 현장과 온라인으로 선택하여 예배 드릴 수 있는 하이브리드(Hybrid)로 준비됩니다. This year's VBS will be held in August, close to the the start of the school year in consideration of our children. We will also be offering the option of on-site or online VBS as we will conduct a hybrid VBS

Theme: Destination Dig
Date: August 5~6th (Thur~Fri) 6:30~9:10PM,
7th(Sat) 1:00~3:40PM (prayer time with parents at 3:20pm)
Location: 현장 or 온라인 In-person or On-line
Age: 2.5세~5학년
Fee: $15
Limited Capacity: 550 registrations

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